Autor: Maarit Eerme • 1. märts 2013
Tähelepanu! Artikkel on enam kui 5 aastat vana ning kuulub väljaande digitaalsesse arhiivi. Väljaanne ei uuenda ega kaasajasta arhiveeritud sisu, mistõttu võib olla vajalik kaasaegsete allikatega tutvumine.


Jysk Linnen'n Furniture otsib enda meeskonda jaemüügi piirkonnajuhti. Konkursil osalemiseks ootame CV-d ja motivatsioonikirja hiljemalt 17.03.2013.

Töö kirjeldus

You will be responsible for implementation of company`s overall vision and strategy for the local market and will ensure that your motivated and ambitious

team of 155 people in 8 stores and Internet store will achieve and exceed all the set targets. You will be accountable for overseeing the overall

management of stores in Estonia via Store Managers and for meeting sales, expense, and profit objectives. This role is ideal for a leader who

demonstrates experience in managing profit & loss, sales and products.

The role involves

• Managing the Retail business to meet or exceed revenue and profit targets.

• Overseeing the store management to ensure effective store operations and fulfillment of budgeted sales mix and margin in the country.

• Ensuring the best in class operations are in place to support the company`s goals (inventory, costs, fulfillment, quality control, planning, etc.).

• Overseeing the implementation and execution of merchandise buying, and retention of pricing plans.

• Overseeing store operating reports, identifying the trends and recommending corrective actions, monitoring the cost control in order to maintain the

budgeted sales mix and margins.

• Providing the necessary leadership to Store Managers to maintain effective store staff.

• Providing the vision and strategy for the market and ensure that the team is completely in alignment within their own functional disciplines.

• Directing, leading, motivating and mentoring the team to meet and exceed the overall objectives as well as educating senior management on local market

changes. Suggesting and delivering thoughtful and effective marketing solutions.

Nõudmised kandidaadile

The successful candidate will ideally have

• Experience as a sales leader within a Retail organization.

• Focus on sales with proven track record of skills and high performance in sales, negotiations and leadership.

• Experience with identifying and accessing key decisions within potential market.

• Ability to demonstrate strong commercial acumen and business skills to develop and expand profitable business opportunities.

• Results oriented and practical personality.

• Ability to work in a changing environment and react accordingly.

• Self-motivated and a team player.

• Fluent written and oral Estonian and English.

• Tertiary qualification from a reputable university, a post-graduate would be a plus.


• Dynamic work within international team and dynamic organization

• Professional growth and international career opportunities

• Compensation according to skill level, experience and delivered results

Töö iseloom

Asukoht: Tallinn

Tööle asumise aeg: kokkuleppel

Töö tüüp: täistööaeg, palgatöötaja või lepinguline

Kuulutus aegub: 17. märts 2013


Kontaktisik: Monika Lõuke

Tänav ja/või maja: Suur- Sõjamäe 4, Ülemiste Keskus

Linn: Tallinn

Postiindeks: 11415

Telefon: 6034638

Faks: 6034639


Konkursil osalemiseks ootame CV-d ja motivatsioonikirja hiljemalt 17.03.2013.

NB! Kandideerimine toimubAINULT läbi selle lingi

JYSK is one of the leading retailers of home related products and we use our considerable buying power to pass on incredible savings on all our products from duvets and pillows, furniture to accessories, including mattresses, bedding, towels, drapes and rods, outdoor products and home decor. JYSK is presented in Estonia since 2002 and we are operating 8 stores across the country and a web-store.


Liitu Kaubanduse uudiskirjaga!
Liitumisega nõustud, et Äripäev AS kasutab sinu e-posti aadressi sulle uudiskirja saatmiseks. Saad nõusoleku tagasi võtta uudiskirjas oleva lingi kaudu. Loe oma õiguste kohta lähemalt privaatsustingimustest
Liitu Kaubanduse uudiskirjaga!
Liitumisega nõustud, et Äripäev AS kasutab sinu e-posti aadressi sulle uudiskirja saatmiseks. Saad nõusoleku tagasi võtta uudiskirjas oleva lingi kaudu. Loe oma õiguste kohta lähemalt privaatsustingimustest
Maarit juhtTel: 514 4884
Cätlin turunduslahenduste müügijuhtTel: 5331 5700